Slang Cam

Learn & practice American slang LIVE with students across the planet!

What exactly is Slang Cam?

-A teacher will guide you and a group through a FREE 45-minute session focused on slang & idioms!
-Classes must have at least 5 students to happen
-Be sure to bring your friends!

What can Slang Cam do for you?

-Learn slang & idioms
-Build your vocabulary
-Improve listening skills
-Practice in real time with a teacher!
-Opportunities for pronunciation practice

Who is it for?

-College students: Learn the vocabulary not
mentioned in classroom textbooks
-Business & Marketing: Lots of business is done
over drinks or on the golf course
-Anyone looking to sound like a native speaker

Check out the upcoming sessions and register now!

What do I need?

--Pen & Paper to take notes!
--A good internet connection
--Energy to participate

Need more info?

--Have more questions? Email us at:
--Check out the FAQ page

Email us at to register for upcoming sessions!