Test Prep

What can test prep do for you?

  • Learn the English you need for your exam
  • We will practice the speaking section
  • You will learn tips and tricks to avoid mistakes
  • We provide graded mock exams with feedback to help you improve
  • Learn how to pace yourself so you don’t run out of time

Which can we help you study for?

Cambridge English (CPE, CAE and FCE)
  • OPIC

How much test prep do I need?

As much as possible!
Minimum, you need to schedule 2 sessions per week at least one month before your test. Ideally, we’d like to help you twice a week for 2 to 3 months before the test.

Your Responsibilities

Typically, students spend 155 hours preparing for a standard exam. Even with our sessions, you’ll have to put in some independent study. Don’t worry though; we’ll give you specific things to practice before and after sessions.